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Frequently Asked Questions


How many sessions will I need?

As a guide, we suggest 8-12 sessions will be required when dealing with issues such as anxiety, low mood/symptoms of depression, anger, stress, etc.  However, this could be less or more depending on your requirements.  

Simple phobias take between 3-4 sessions.  Stop smoking/vaping treatment is a one-off, 2 hour session (this will not require an initial consultation).


How frequent will the sessions be?

For maximum impact it is recommended that clients start with weekly sessions, becoming less frequent over time.   If however you choose to have sessions less frequently, this can be accommodated   In addition, your commitment to the process, eg by listening to the MP3, will greatly improve the rate of progress. 


Will I be aware of what is going on?

Yes.  Trance is a naturally occurring state which we experience several times a day – for example when watching the television, reading a book and so on.   During hypnosis you will be fully aware of what is going on around you whilst relaxed and in a state of hypnotic trance.  You will also be able to bring yourself out of this state should you need to. 


Can I be made to do things I don’t want to do? 

No.  You are in control at all times.  Your mind will only allow the changes that you deem appropriate and will simply reject any suggestion that it does not find useful. 


Do I have to keep going over my problems?

No.  Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is just that – focused on solutions for the future!  Whilst I will ask for some details so that I understand how to help you, we will not dwell on the problems. Instead, I will guide you in making small changes that help you achieve your goals.  


Will it definitely work?

I will work with you to bring about the best possible outcome.  As with any therapy, success hinges on the client’s desire to make changes and commitment, eg listening to an MP3 download in between sessions, will greatly impact on the success of the treatment. 


Is hypnotherapy as effective online as it is face-to-face?

Having received hypnotherapy by both methods of delivery myself, I can confidently say yes, online is just as effective!   Since setting up my practice, I have worked almost exclusively online and have received positive feedback from clients who enjoy the benefits of engaging in therapy whilst relaxed in their own environment.  


Can I talk to Gillian before booking an initial consultation?

Of course!  Just give me a call on 07709 101029 if you want to talk anything through or find out more before booking.

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